Response to Second Week Readings
Nations were created as a necessity to
survive as a sovereign state, often prioritizing the elites who wanted to
protect their property over the lower classes. A nation of any governmental type
is helped by a united body of citizens to support its efforts, so historically successful
nations have had strong national identities. Looking at the development of United
Kingdom since the 19th century and the formation of a national
conscious from the American colonies, nations grow up along with their
identities with each contributing to the other. For instance, the winning of
the world wars created a strong sense of patriotism, and the patriotism helped
to fuel the Western effort in the Cold War. This initial foundation was in part
due to the “national print-languages” as the “Imagined Communities” reading
argues, but it also came from other factors such as the development of technology
in general. As people began to have access to faster transportation and communication,
the possibilities of nationhood continued to expand because more people could conceivably
be under one government and one “imagined community” of a nation. The industry
and production capacity of Berlin and Germany as a whole made it possible for
it to act so dynamically and be the center of so many expansive empires.
Without it, for example, the mobilization of Germany from 1918 to 1938 to gear
up for a second war would not have been as possible.
In the way that a capitalist system
encourages entrepreneurs to do anything they can to make more money, the
nation-state is under similar competitive pressures to expand their power. This
requires manipulation of their national identity in any way that will help
their cause. However, race is often pulled into the mix as characteristics to
define a national people because low amounts of mobility made national populations
more racially homogenous than current times. Though immigration difficulties factor
in, it is much easier to take a couple hour flight across Europe than to travel
by horse as they did in the 18th century. Since the nation has been
the primary organization of people in the majority of the world for several
centuries, including race in this boundary limits the interaction and common
identity formation between races and contributes greatly to racism. For labor sources
and international cooperation, globalization has made relying on race for
national identity disadvantageous, but it is difficult to change what people
have been learning for centuries. It is engrained not only in people’s mind and
family structures, but also within the urban landscapes that we are observing in
class. The memorials and the colonization-leader street names we discussed with
Kristina continue to stand. The mainstream stories about white people from
the past several centuries that Sharon has sought to challenge with her
everyday stories of people of color still circulate our shelves. And people are
still separated by race into districts in Beriln, for reasons such as the 1980’s
restriction that the Turkish could only move to Wedding, Kreuzberg, or Neukölln that Manuela was discussing with us today. Even
this week, I was talking to a Humboldt student who believed that the migrant
crisis is a temporary issue and it was better to get a law degree in something
that would be applicable in the long term instead of immigration law. Even
though we may be accelerating in a more accepting direction, we are still
headed (speaking of velocity) towards the nationalist spirits that have been historically
reinforced. At this point, it takes extra diligence to reconsider past acts
such as the creation of memorials, and decide whether or not they serve the
purpose of the nation. The possibly subconscious effects each piece of Berlin
has on its inhabitants make such considerations in the city worth it. Just as
the Berlin Wall’s concrete became an idea that both East and West Germany used
to their advantage, each urban landmark becomes an idea of its own that will
most often be interpreted in favor of the status quo.
The US and Germany both have occurrences of genocide and violent,
discriminatory national actions. Germany has been forced in many ways to
remember the Holocaust and actions of the Third Reich, but America has never
lost a major war in which it has needed to apologize for its wrongdoings. The
US only needs to act in the way that is to its advantage. For example, it does
not fit with the national narrative of freedom for all to discuss that
Americans live on land originally owned by native peoples, whom the nation, its
people, or their predecessors directly or indirectly committed genocide against.
So, we generally do not mention it and instead focus on the rights of the
remaining native peoples in a limited scope, not mentioning the larger picture of
the land the nation took. Yet Americans are happy to talk about slavery and
emancipation because it fits in the mainstream national narrative. In a similar
way and perhaps because most powerful nations share a history of colonization,
Germany was not forced to honor the non-Germans who died because of their colonial
ventures, and it has not been advantageous for them to do so. Thus, the issue is
portrayed in a mostly heroic light. The situation compounds itself as the established,
influential people in Germany are white and then their supporters are mainly
white, so they take action to gain support of white Germans instead of those of
color. The process is part of the difficulty of reversing trends. The result in
this particular case is that there is not strong incentive to reconcile with
violent acts against people of color or other ways to combat racism. Even
though the US has perhaps acted more strongly against racism than Germany since
the civil rights movement, the nation currently faces backlash that stems from
similar forces of pragmatic nationalism and historically mainstream narratives to
the ones Germany is facing.
In the end, the urban landscape is the reflection of a
people, and just like buildings it takes a strong, grassroots effort to make
people and nations stop the momentum of a nationalistic identity and move towards
a more accepting global identity.
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